Sweet sixteen, as they call it. Yes! That’s right, a 16th birthday is truly a milestone birthday. A couple of years more into teens and then the path towards adulthood is paved. A stepping stone in every since. Here are some unique 16th birthday ideas around which you can plan your teen’s birthday party:
Movie Night
A sweet sixteen party can be planned by organizing a movie night for the birthday person. Catch hold of some interesting DVDs. Play your kid’s favorite movies and let him enjoy his evening appreciating the cinema that he loves. Watching a movie with a group of friends or even one close friend just adds to the beauty of the party. It not only makes for an interesting birthday party but also creates memories for life. Popcorns and sodas served by the side will make for a great movie experience.
Slumber Party
A slumber sweet sixteen party would be a perfect treat, especially for your teen girl. Those comfy PJs and lots of gossip can be a spectacular start to a great party that lies ahead. Storytelling, pedicures and manicures and truly spruce up a perfect sweet 16 party. A sleepover can be a means to the most comfortable party ever. Combined with good food and drinks, your teen would surely love a party like that.
Scavenger Hunt
Mind boggling and interesting games can be organized for your teens. Plan a board game or a mystery room. Lay down clues to hunt for specified and unspecified objects. The guests can be further divided into groups and can be sent to various nooks and corners of the house to solve the mystery and look for the missing puzzle pieces. The winning team should be awarded with a special prize towards the end of the party. What a great birthday party idea!
Virtual Gaming
This is an apt birthday party idea for all the virtual gamers and video game freaks. For all the kids who are technologically sound can really enjoy this kind of a sweet sixteen birthday party. Competitions can be organized and video games can be listed. A teen boy would surely love this kind of a party idea. The birthday invites can also be sent digitally carrying the list of all the games that the children would love to play. Click and win!
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Pool Party
A sweet sixteen party by the pool side is a perfect way to ring in your birthday. Colorful mocktails and swimwear can really adorn the fancy of all the children present at the party. Props like floaters and swimming pads can add umpteen charm to the birthday party. All the guests can take a dip together and create memories for life. A pool party is generally everyone’s cup of tea and it makes the ambience so carnival.
An outdoor activity like bowling too can be a great idea for a 16th birthday party. Take all the guests out for bowling. It would be a great idea to take the teens out. A bowling alley will not only lift their spirits but would also be a memorable experience. Spending quality time with their loved ones would be a perfect idea for a lovely evening. A splendid idea for a sweet sixteen!
If your teen kid is fond of dancing and music with a Disc Jockey, this could be it. Be a Disc Jockey yourself for the night. Play all the favorite songs for the birthday girl or the birthday boy. Watch them groove to their favorite numbers with their friends. Take care of the decoration and party supplies. Glow in the dark or neon lights should light up the premise and you are all set for a great dance party.
Pizza Party
Who doesn’t like pizza? Organize a fun pizza party. Different permutations and combinations of pizza toppings can be served to the guests. To make it even more interesting, a DIY pizza party can be organized. Bake your own pizza with the toppings of your choice. To take the menu a notch above, accompaniments like ravioli and pasta can also be served along with it. Take the Italian route and have a great birthday party.
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Design Your Own Cupcake Party
Everyone has a sweet tooth. Organize a DIY cupcake party. From the base to the icing and the frosting, to the sprinklers, create your own colorful cupcakes. Different hues and colors and can adorn your cupcake. Also the teens can add sprinklers of their choice. Mixing, sharing and experimenting with so many different ingredients can be so much fun. It is not only recreational but an interesting way to bond as well. Enjoy the aroma of the freshly baked cupcakes, straight out of the oven. A sweet treat indeed!
Karaoke Party
For all the music buffs and budding singers, a karaoke party is for you. Arrange for a huge screen and a mic and your teen kids are good to go. Install a setup or maybe hire a karaoke machine for a day or two to make your 16th birthday party musical. Put together an interesting list of peppy numbers and make your party a big hit with the teenagers.
Clay and Pottery Party
Bring out the artistic side of the teenagers to the fore. A clay and pottery party is a perfect way to do the same. Teens can create their own clay models and paintings and carry them home as souvenirs. A board or a pallet wood art would also be a great idea to add more variety to the different clay and pottery models. Canvas painting would also be a great idea for the 16th birthday party of a teenager.
Barbeque Party
Another interesting idea for a 16th birthday party would be a barbeque. A stellar table can be set with all kinds of sumptuous food which can be slowly cooked over a grill or on top of fire. The party should definitely be supervised by an adult who should oversee all the preparations. A lovely idea for those who love being outdoors and love to eat their meals in the open. A bonfire along with it will be icing on the cake.
Sports Party
This is a perfect birthday party idea for a 16 year old who loves sports. Organize the party outdoors and enjoy nature. A bright sunny day will only make the party more alive than ever. Good sunshine will also make for good pictures. Be it soccer, cricket, football or even tennis. A party like this for a sweet 16 is surely going to be a blockbuster amongst the teenagers. Celebrate sportsmanship and the essence and perseverance to play a sport.
Spa and Meditation
If you are looking to plan a relaxing and rejuvenating party for your teen then this is the party to organize. A home spa or even a spa day outside followed by meditation is the best way to unwind for our teens. The idea is to be at leisure and spend valuable time with friends. Pamper your teen and watch their special day turn into the sweetest 16 ever. A party that they will surely remember for a really long time.
Mocktails Party
Everyone likes to have a great drink. A mish mash of different ingredients to create a perfect cocktail for your teen. You can choose from an array of recipes or even create a DIY mocktail party. Serve each of the drinks in different glassware and make the party fun. Accompanied with good music, the party can go a notch above. Impress everyone with your healthy choices and mocktail making skills.
Rainbow Party
Make the 16th birthday party all about color, splashes and hues. Start by sending rainbow invites along with colorful rainbow popsicles. Add all the seven colors of the rainbow to the decoration. Make a perfect smoothie, a mocktail, a cupcake, fruit puddings, pizzas, cookies and balloons. All of it centered around the seven colors of the rainbow. A rainbow themed birthday cake and a birthday banner will also look great. A perfect theme party to ring in your sweet sixteen with all the hues, shades and colors. A perfect rainbow 16th birthday party.
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For the adrenaline junkies and adventure lovers, camping can be the best idea for a 16th birthday party. Set up a camp outdoors and enjoy the starry night and a pleasant breeze. Might as well, light a bonfire and roast or grill some marshmallows, or any other snack of your choice. You can also plan several other activities around the camp and enjoy the lovely breeze. Take the party far off or in your backyard, both ways it will be a win-win situation for the guests. It will surely be a happy birthday.
What Can I Do For My Sweet 16 Instead of a Party?
If you are really not a party person or would want to do something different and memorable. There are tons of different things that you can do for your 16th birthday party. A birthday bash doesn’t necessarily mean a grand celebration. Even if you hate planning a party or do not want to socialize or simply just aren’t into parties, you can go through these interesting ways to make your 16th birthday memorable:
Attend A Music Concert
‘Where words fail, music speaks’. If you are a music lover and the lyrics speak with your soul, plan to attend a music concert. The thrill of watching and listening to your favorite band will surely give you butterflies in the stomach. Book a concert of your favorite singer or favorite band and enjoy the exhilarating experience of a music concert. The flash lights and the energetic crowd is surely going to lift your spirits and make the experience worth the while.
Go To An Amusement Park
Think of all the good old times and rewind your childhood memories by visiting an amusement park. Take a trip to Disneyland and enjoy all the rides with your favorite childhood characters like Mickey and Minni Mouse or Donald Duck etc. You can also visit the Harry Potter world to engross in the magic of that kind of a world. If you are a bigger adrenaline junkie, then think of bigger and more adventurous rides or even a water park. Take a splash and enjoy your time, especially during summers.
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Buy Special Gifts
Birthdays are special days to pamper yourself and tick off a few items from your bucket list. Buy that watch you always wanted or that phone you always had your eyes on. The special gifts can be in cash or kind. Shower yourself with things and gifts that you have always wanted. Or maybe give yourself experiences. Gift yourself tickets to your favorite destination. A city or place that you always wanted to visit. Keep in mind that a vacation involves a lot of planning, so plan with a travel agent well in advance if you are looking for a vacation without any stress or hassle.
Another adventure trip that you can take is to go hiking up the mountains. Again, a plan like this would involve a lot of planning. Go on a hiking adventure up the hills or mountains. Be sure to carry all your protective gear. If possible, take an eldelry along so you don’t face any problems or hassles all along. Set a target and try to achieve that. The feeling of achieving it would be sublime and that too on your 16th birthday.
Go to A Zoo
For all the animal lovers, this would be a perfect way to spend the day. Your 16th birthday. Go on a family picnic to a zoo and admire the beautiful creations of God. Enjoy the long walks and the gorgeous exhibits. Take a nicely prepared meal along with you and grab a bite or two while on your way to the different exhibits. Spend the entire day appreciating nature around you and ring in your sweet sixteen in an unconventional way.
Watch A Sports Game In A Stadium
If you are a sports lover, watching your favorite game in a stadium will surely give you that rush. Be it basketball or baseball, tennis or golf, book your tickets and wait till you watch your favorite game and favorite athletes play their A game in a stadium. A 16th birthday gift memory like this will live on with you forever. A perfect theme party.
Do Community Service
It can provide you with a sense of pride, satisfaction and accomplishment. Volunteer to help the less privileged and feel proud of yourself. A sense of identity which it will give you will only make you grow as a person by leaps and bounds. Set a positive and kind attitude towards life. The feeling which will prevail will take you only upward and onward from hereon. A splendid 16th birthday gift indeed!
Each year will have its own challenges and to overcome those challenges, you strive hard. Each year can be so iconic, only if we make it so. Trust your instincts and the wisdom you have gained along the way. Make each year count.