This blog dates back to April 18, 2015 which covered 7 recycled earth day crafts to celebrate Earth Day with!
Here’s what the blog’s content looked like:
Earth Day is April 22nd! A day created to support environmental protection and celebrate our beautiful earth. Here are 7 recycled earth day crafts to celebrate with!
- Earth themed reused melted crayons from Frogs Snails and Puppy Dog Tails. A great way to reuse broken or short crayons. Super easy and you can draw with them after its all done!
- Plastic bags can’t be recycled like plastic bottles and other materials. Here’s a crafty way to use those plastic bags that have been filling up your drawers. Recycled Jelly Fish from Teach Me Mommy.
- There’s many different ways to reuse egg cartons. Here’s a fun craft for the little ones from Glued To My Crafts. Recycled egg carton tree, a easy and enjoyable craft!
- Here’s another way to turn dingy old egg cartons into something colorful and fantastic! Check out Buzzmills for information on how to make these really cool flower mobiles.
- This may look strange or even gross but that’s the point! This is a water pollution experiment from Getting Messy With Ms. Jessi. Pick up small pieces of trash and watch the clear water transform. Great for Earth Day and a good way to incorporate knowledge about the environment.
- Check out these super fun recycled Guitars. Made from tissue boxes and paper towel roles, with a couple rubber bands and some creativity you’ll be jamming in no time! Check out Octavia and Vicky for the how too on this recycled craft.
- Last but certainly not least… Home made Lava Lamps! Super easy to make and fun to play with, make it what ever color you want! Check out Momma’s Fun World for more details.